Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why Hello, Blog! Long Time, No See... (or type, or whatever.)

Well friends, it has been awhile, and I have been busy travelling about! 

I finished up in Charleston at the beginning of July, passing the torch of leadership on to students to run the project for the rest of the summer.  What an interesting process that was.  Here's some insight into what was going through my head and heart:
- Seriously?  We're just going to leave and they're going to carry on our jobs on top of all that they're already doing? 
- How on earth can I just hand over my Bible study and trust someone else to lead and disciple these girls?
- Lord, who should I choose, and how do I make this decision?
- I feel like I'm picking people apart...
- So many people have said that "project doesn't start until after staff leaves" and "yeah, I don't even remember much about project when staff was there"  -  well geez!  What am I doing here anyway?  Does my role even matter?
- What IS my role, really?
- This giving people the "freedom to fail" thing is hard....

But ultimately, it was so good for me.  Wanto to know why?  Because I had to do what Jesus has done with me.  I got a glimpse of Jesus' perspective on me, (except He knows how it will all turn out, and how He'll fix my mistakes, and all...).  But the point is, Jesus handed over leadership!  His mission, His purpose, His entire reason for becoming God incarnate and rescuing us - all of it He placed in our hands.  He left, and entrusted to us the message and ministry of reconciliation.  The entire advancement of the gospel was left in the hands of 12 guys who hadn't really proven themselves to be that bright so far.  I mean, the lives of people were at stake, the entire redemption of humanity rested with their faithfulness to preach the gospel!  (From that perspective, it wasn't as hard to hand over my Bible study and entrust the success or failure of the Outreach team to a couple students). 
Here's the thing though.  He didn't just peace out and leave us alone to guess our way through it all.  In fact, He said it would be better if He left, because then we'd have the Holy Spirit, who would enable and empower us to fulfill this mission in even more incredible ways than Jesus Himself carried it out while on Earth (it's true, I promise - check out John 16:7-11 and John 14:12).  So I can entrust leadership to the students I have chosen because I have prayed in the Spirit for wisdom to appoint the right people; those students have the Holy Spirit at work in their lives and I have seen His fruit in them, so He will be leading and empowering them too.  And it's His mission after all.  We're just invited into the process.  He will accomplish His purposes.  He has led and guided me, accomplished my victories and redeemed my mistakes, and He will do the same with them.  

Whew!  Pressure: off.  Leadership: handed over.  Summer: almost over.
Updates on the rest of summer soon to come!