Thursday, March 31, 2011

Swedish Stories

I want to share a couple stories from our time in Sweden, because I have realized that a primary source of moivation for me in ministry is hearing how God is working in people's lives. He is so incredibly personal, and all of the details the He brings together to create each person's story is just amazing to me!

I think my favorite aspect of my Sweden stories lies in the fact that we did absolutely nothing in our own power to advance the gospel - actually pretty much every opportunity we had to share with people while in Sweden came straight from the Lord. It is such a picture of what He has called us to do and be in the world. Sometimes we get so bent out of shape - either so overzealous to share with people that we aren't sensitive to their needs, or so afraid of offending that we don't make ourselves available to be used by the Lord. Somehow, in Sweden, I got a clear picture of the Lord providing opportunities with me doing absolutely nothing other than being open to being used.

Story #1 - Jen
On Wednesday night, after spending a day in Stockholm, we went to an open house party for the Swedish students who have connections with Agape (the name used for Crusade in Sweden). It was your basic, run-of-the-mill "Meet the Americans" party! A lot of students came, some of whom are believers, but a good number who aren't came as well. As the party was under way, a Swedish girl named Jen showed up, but seemed pretty unsure of whether she wanted to stay, because she knew it involved "religious people."
However, Lindsey, a woman on my team began to talk with Jen - not at all trying to get into a spiritual conversation, simply asking her about her life and chatting, when all of a sudden, Jen says: "So, why did Jesus have to die?" WHAT?!? Why on earth would she ask that question in the middle conversation like that?! Why, other than the Lord working on her heart? So Lindsey was able to explain the entire gospel to her in detail, and she seemed to be genuinely interested.

THEN on Friday morning, when we were supposed to fly home, Lindsey got really sick with a stomach virus and ended up having to stay in Sweden and get a flight a few days later. It was a 24 hour virus but she was there several days more, so she ended up contacting Jen and meeting her for lunch at a cafe, where they continued their conversation for another few hours! She asked a lot of questions, and finally said: "I think I'm going to have to do something about that promise that I made to God." Of course Lindsey was like, what are you talking about? And Jen went on to explain how she had an operation a couple of years ago where something went wrong, and as she was basically bleeding out on the operating table, she somehow became conscious or at least aware that she was dying, and she prayed and promised God that if He let her live, she would believe in Him and follow Him.

Of course, as you already know, she did live, but she hadn't done anything about her promise, maybe hadn't even thought about it, until this point, two years later! What an amazing orchestration of events on the part of the Lord - He's just so amazing that way! And how crazy that Lindsey "just happened" to get sick and have to stay in Sweden, and randomly think of contacting Jen, and ended up having that conversation with her. AND, the fact that Lindsey is the one who talked to Jen at the party rathen than any number of the other people there, because it just so happens that Lindsey is moving to Sweden in September to work with Agape in Uppsala for the next 3 years. I'm pretty sure she'll be having more lunch conversations with Jen....

We serve El Roi - the "God who sees" He sees the tiniest details of our lives, and works it all together for His good purpose. Amazing, simply amazing.

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